The Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) released in July 2018 the thirteen winning projects funded as part of its prestigious TEAM grant program. One of the projects, titled "Core Concepts of Historical Thinking", includes two IFK members as researchers: Visiting Scholar Adam Kola (Nicolaus Copernicus University) and IFK Steering Committee Member Haun Saussy (Department of Comparative Literature, University of Chicago). With its network of international scholars, the team led by professor Ulrich Timme Kragh from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Poland), will produce a groundbreaking comparative analysis of theoretical concepts in historical thinking, covering intellectual traditions of history from many different European, Latin American and Asian languages. The research output will be disseminated on a cutting-edge multimedia digital platform. The budget of the project is USD 950,000.
View the other winning TEAM grant projects here.