The Master’s Thesis Award offered by the Institute on the Formation of Knowledge is an annual competition for the best MA thesis which addresses topics related to social and historical influences shaping the formation of knowledge and which most effectively crosses and bridges disciplinary and divisional boundaries in its research, argument, and conclusions. Submitted theses may address any topic that has implications for the formation of knowledge and interrogates traditional ways of knowing. This competition is open only to MAPSS graduate students who have declared the Formation of Knowledge concentration and/or taken KNOW 36054 Ways of Knowing, and who are graduating at the end of the 2023-24 academic year. Theses will be judged by a panel of Institute faculty. The winner will receive an award of $1,000.
Deadline: Tuesday, August 30, 2024
2021-22 MAPSS Thesis Award Winners!
2022-23 MAPSS Thesis Award Winners!